Background: Second-trimester ultrasound is the standard technique for fetal anatomy evaluation in the United States despite international guidelines and literature that suggest that first-trimester timing may be superior in patients with obesity. First-trimester imaging performs well in cohorts of participants with obesity.
Objective: Our aim was to compare the completion rate of a first-trimester fetal anatomy ultrasound scan with that of a second-trimester fetal anatomy ultrasound scan among pregnant people with a body mass index ≥35 kg/m2.
Study design: This randomized controlled trial enrolled participants with a body mass index ≥35 kg/m2 with a singleton gestation and who presented before 14+0/7 weeks of gestation. Participants were randomized to receive an ultrasound assessment of anatomy at either 12+0/7 to 13+6/7 weeks or at 18+0/7 to 22+6/7 weeks. The primary outcome was completion rate (percentage of scans that optimally imaged all the required fetal structures). Secondary outcomes included the necessity of a transvaginal approach, completion rates for each individual view, number of anomalies identified and missed in each group, scan duration, and patient perspectives. A 1-year pilot sample was analyzed using Bayesian methods for the primary outcome with a neutral prior and frequentist analyses for the remaining outcomes.
Results: A total of 128 participants were enrolled, and 1 withdrew consent; 62 subjects underwent a first-trimester ultrasound scan and 62 underwent a second-trimester ultrasound scan. A total of 2 participants did not attend the research visits, and 1 sought termination of pregnancy. In the first-trimester group, 66% (41/62) of ultrasound scans were completed in comparison with 53% (33/62) in the second-trimester ultrasound group (Bayesian relative risk, 1.20; 95% credible interval, 0.91-1.73). When compared with a second-trimester scan plus a follow-up ultrasound, a first-trimester ultrasound plus a second-trimester ultrasound was equally successful in completing the anatomy views (76%). First-trimester anatomy ultrasound scans required a transvaginal approach in 63% (39/62) of cases and had a longer duration than a second-trimester ultrasound scan. No anomalies were missed in either group. First-trimester ultrasound participants who responded to a survey described that they were very satisfied with the technique.
Conclusion: In pregnant subjects with a body mass index ≥35 kg/m2, a single first-trimester anatomy ultrasound scan was more likely to obtain all the recommended anatomic views than a single second-trimester ultrasound scan. An evaluation of anatomy at 12+0/7 to 13+6/7 weeks' gestation plus an evaluation at 18+0/7 to 22+6/7 led to complete anatomic evaluation 4 weeks earlier than 2 second trimester scans. Assessment of ultrasound duration in a clinical setting is needed to ensure feasibility outside of a research setting.
Trial registration: NCT04639973.
Keywords: anomaly; body mass index; completion rate; early anatomy; first-trimester; midtrimester; obesity; transvaginal.
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