Hyperlocal disparities in breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening: An ecological study of social vulnerability in Miami-Dade county

Prev Med Rep. 2023 Aug 15:35:102371. doi: 10.1016/j.pmedr.2023.102371. eCollection 2023 Oct.


Neighborhoods have been identified as important determinants of health-related outcomes, but limited research has assessed the influence of neighborhood context along the cancer continuum. This study used census tract-level data from the United States Census Bureau and Centers for Disease Control and Prevention to characterize Miami-Dade County census tracts (n = 492) into social vulnerability clusters and assess their associated breast, cervical, and colorectal cancer screening participation rates. We identified disparities by social vulnerability cluster in cancer screening participation rates. Further investigation of geographic disparities in social vulnerability and cancer screening participation could inform equity-focused cancer control efforts.

Keywords: Breast cancer; Cervical cancer; Colorectal cancer; Early detection of cancer; Ethnic and racial minorities; Health services accessibility; Healthcare disparities; Residence characteristics; Social vulnerability; Socioeconomic factors.