We investigated various methods for image segmentation and image processing for the segmentation of MRI of human medical data, as well as bioinformatics for the segmentation of brain cell details, in this work. The goal is to demonstrate and bring various mathematical analyses for medical and biological image analysis. We proposed new software and methods for improving the segmentation of biological and medical data. This way, we can find new ways to improve the diagnostic process in medical data and improve results in cell and iron diagnostics. We present the GrabCut algorithm as well as new, improved software for this part, a fuzzy approach and fuzzy processing of tissues, and finally machine‑learning techniques with neural networks. We implemented the new software in the C++ programming language for the Grab cut algorithm. Consequently, we present a fuzzy approach to the diagnosis of image data in Matlab. Finally, a deep learning-based approach is used, with a U-Net-based segmentation architecture proposed to measure the various brain cell parameters. We will be able to proceed with data that we were unable to proceed when using other methods. As a result, we improved biological and medical data segmentation to obtain better boundaries and sharper edges on the objects. There is still space to extend these methods to other medical and biological applications (Tab. 1, Fig. 34, Ref. 46). Keywords: segmentation; image processing; fuzzy segmentation, GrabCut, deep learning.