A case of hepatic arteriovenous malformation is described in a calf that presented with a marked increase in abdominal volume and died 12 h after birth. At necropsy, the calf had marked abdominal distension and haemoperitoneum. The left hepatic lobe was reduced in size and covered by slightly whitish and intensely vascularized membranous tissue. At the edge of the left lobe there were cystic structures filled with translucent fluid. On cut surface, there were multiple cavitations well delimited by whitish walls and multiple dilated blood vessels that communicated with the cavitations. Histopathology revealed an increase in the number of vascular structures of variable calibre within loose fibrous connective tissue. The diagnosis of hepatic arteriovenous malformation was based on the lesions and confirmed by immunohistochemistry. Hepatic arteriovenous malformations are rare in all species, have not been described in cattle and should be included as a cause of mortality in neonates with post-partum haemoperitoneum.
Keywords: arteriovenous; congenital liver disease; liver; malformation; neonate.
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