This study summarizes the clinical thinking of acupuncture for snoring based on "disharmony qi leads to restlessness". According to the pathological characteristics of qi stagnation and blood stasis, phlegm dampness and internal obstruction in snoring patients, combined with the etiology, pathogenesis and location of the disease, the innovative viewpoint of "disharmony qi leads to restlessness" is proposed. It is believed that the key to snoring treatment lies in "regulating qi ". In clinical practice, acupuncture can directly regulate the qi of the disease's location, regulate the qi of the organs and viscera, and regulate the qi of the meridians to achieve overall regulation of the body's internal and external qi, smooth circulation of qi and blood, and ultimately achieve the therapeutic goal of harmonizing qi, stopping snoring, and improving sleep quality.
Keywords: acupuncture; disharmony qi leads to restlessness; obstructive sleep apnea hypopnea syndrome; regulating qi; sleep apnea syndrome; snoring.