Free energy perturbation coupled with replica exchange with solute tempering (FEP/REST) offers a rigorous approach to compute relative free energy changes for ligands. To determine the applicability of FEP/REST for the ligands with distributed binding poses, we considered two alchemical transformations involving three putative inhibitors I0, I1, and I2 of the Venezuelan equine encephalitis virus nuclear localization signal sequence binding to the importin-α (impα) transporter protein. I0 → I1 and I0 → I2 transformations, respectively, increase or decrease the polarity of the parent molecule. Our objective was three-fold─(i) to verify FEP/REST technical performance and convergence, (ii) to estimate changes in binding free energy ΔΔG, and (iii) to determine the utility of FEP/REST simulations for conformational binding analysis. Our results are as follows. First, our FEP/REST implementation properly follows FEP/REST formalism and produces converged ΔΔG estimates. Due to ligand inherent unbinding, the better FEP/REST strategy lies in performing multiple independent trajectories rather than extending their length. Second, I0 → I1 and I0 → I2 transformations result in overall minor changes in inhibitor binding free energy, slightly strengthening the affinity of I1 and weakening that of I2. Electrostatic interactions dominate binding interactions, determining the enthalpic changes. The two transformations cause opposite entropic changes, which ultimately govern binding affinities. Importantly, we confirm the validity of FEP/REST free energy estimates by comparing them with our previous REST simulations, directly probing binding of three ligands to impα. Third, we established that FEP/REST simulations can sample binding ensembles of ligands. Thus, FEP/REST can be applied (i) to study the energetics of the ligand binding without defined poses and showing minor differences in affinities |ΔΔG| ≲ 0.5 kcal/mol and (ii) to collect ligand binding conformational ensembles.