Background: Catatonia is an under-recognized disorder characterized by psychomotor (increased, decreased, or abnormal) changes, affective symptoms, and disturbance of volition, which may arise in the setting of decompensated psychiatric or non-psychiatric medical disorders. Genetic studies of catatonia are limited, and to the best of our knowledge no prior genome wide association studies of catatonia have been performed to date.
Methods: First we performed a genome wide association study of catatonia regardless of etiology (psychiatric or non-psychiatric). Secondarily we evaluated whether there was an elevated genetic risk profile for predisposing psychiatric disorders (schizophrenia spectrum disorder, bipolar affective disorder, etc.) in patients with catatonia. We used a matched case control design and applied polygenic risk scores to evaluate for a shared polygenetic contribution to catatonia from common psychiatric phenotypes that show a high prevalence of catatonia in their decompensated states.
Results: Anxiety, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia spectrum disorder and cross disorder polygenic risk scores were significantly associated with catatonia case status in both unadjusted and adjusted logistic regression models for the European Ancestry set even after correcting for multiple comparisons. Depression, Alzheimer's, Autism Spectrum Disorder and Obsessive Disorder polygenic risk scores were not significantly associated with catatonia status in participants of European Ancestry. In the African Ancestry set, no psychiatric polygenic risk scores were significantly associated with catatonia status in either the unadjusted or adjusted regression models.
Conclusions: Even after controlling for relevant covariates, anxiety, bipolar affective disorder, schizophrenia spectrum disorder and cross disorders were significantly associated with catatonia status suggesting that there might be a shared genetic risk for those disorders amongst patients with catatonia.
Keywords: Catatonia; Genetics; Polygenic risk; Schizophrenia.
Published by Elsevier B.V.