Introduction: For cigars sold individually without packaging, including many premium cigars, the US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) proposed that retailers display six warning statements on a sign at the point-of-sale (POS).
Aims and methods: To examine the potential effectiveness of cigar warning signs, we conducted a between-subjects online experiment. Participants were 809 U.S. adults who reported using cigars (78% ever large cigar use, 49% past 30-day large cigar use) recruited from a probability-based panel. Participants viewed an image of a cigar store countertop with randomization to one of four conditions: (1) no warning sign, (2) a sign with six FDA proposed text-only warnings, (3) a sign with six novel text-only warnings, or (4) a sign with six novel text + image warnings. We used analysis of variance (ANOVA) models and post hoc Tukey tests to examine the results.
Results: The FDA-proposed text-only warning sign was perceived as less effective in discouraging participants from smoking cigars (M: 3.26, SD: 1.39; scale range: 1-5, where five indicates higher discouragement) compared with the novel text-only warning sign (M = 3.38, SD = 1.40) and the novel text + image warning sign (M = 3.65, SD = 1.34). The novel text + image warning sign increased discouragement from smoking cigars versus the FDA-proposed text-only warning sign (p = .02) and decreased the perceived satisfaction of smoking cigars versus no warning sign (p = .04). In a sensitivity analysis, the novel text + image warning sign decreased the perceived satisfaction of smoking cigars (p = .01), decreased cigar purchase intentions (p = .03), decreased the urge to smoke (p = .03), and increased discouragement from smoking cigars (p = .006) compared with all other study conditions.
Conclusions: Results provide new evidence that policymakers, such as the FDA, could use when proposing POS warning signs for cigars.
Implications: The US FDA proposed that retailers display a warning sign at the POS for cigars sold individually without packaging. We conducted an online experiment concerning the potential effectiveness of this regulatory policy with people who use cigars recruited from a probability-based panel. Results provide the first evidence that the FDA-proposed text-only warning sign was perceived as less effective than other types of warning signs and that adding images could potentially increase the effectiveness of warning signs. These findings are particularly relevant for premium cigars, which are often sold individually in brick-and-mortar retail settings.
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of the Society for Research on Nicotine and Tobacco.