Liquid handling robots are often limited by proprietary programming interfaces that are only compatible with a single type of robot and operating system, restricting method sharing and slowing development. Here we present PyLabRobot, an open-source, cross-platform Python interface capable of programming diverse liquid-handling robots, including Hamilton STARs, Tecan EVOs, and Opentron OT-2s. PyLabRobot provides a universal set of commands and representations for deck layout and labware, enabling the control of diverse accessory devices. The interface is extensible and can work with any robot that manipulates liquids within a Cartesian coordinate system. We validated the system through unit tests and several application demonstrations, including a browser-based simulator, a position calibration tool, and a path-teaching tool for complex movements. PyLabRobot provides a flexible, open, and collaborative programming environment for laboratory automation.
Keywords: Liquid handling robots; laboratory automation; open source; standardization.