Few studies have been performed on early-life stage toadfish, and none have addressed their tolerance to temperature and hypoxia despite large seasonal temperature fluctuations and daily hypoxia in their natural environment. The first directed captive breeding of Opsanus beta allowed the examination of larval oxygen demands and hypoxia tolerance across the range of their environmental temperatures (23-33 °C). Larval toadfish exhibited a surprisingly large aerobic scope across the tested temperature range. In response to progressive hypoxia, larval toadfish showed early metabolic depression and a low regulation index (RI), while juveniles had higher regulatory abilities but, unexpectedly, a lower aerobic scope. Larval and juvenile toadfish survived hours of severe hypoxia, but larval fish had a higher excessive post-hypoxia oxygen consumption, yet their metabolic rate returned to RMR in the same timeframe as the juveniles, likely due to their higher aerobic scope. We defined hypoxia tolerance using a physiological trait, p50, the oxygen tension in which oxygen uptake is reduced to 50 % of the metabolic rate at rest and determined it at all tested temperatures. Comparing these p50 values to environmental conditions in Florida Bay using hourly temperature and oxygen measurements from January 2014-October 2021 revealed that larval toadfish rarely experience < p50 conditions (11 % of events). Further, the median duration of these events was 3 h. The metabolic performance of larval toadfish combined with temperature and oxygen observations from their natural environment reveals the fascinating strategy in which larval toadfish survive diel hypoxia across seasons.
Keywords: Developmental physiology; Florida bay; Marine fish; Metabolic suppression; Regulation index; ṀO(2).
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