Background: We report a rare case of adult acute B-lymphoblastic leukemia (B-ALL) with hypercalcemia and osteolytic bone lesions in a 53-year-old man who died after chemotherapy.
Methods: The bone marrow examination was evaluated by Wright-Giemsa staining, tissue biopsy, immunohistochemical staining, and flow cytometry. Bone imaging was performed using positron emission tomography/computed tomography (PET/CT) technology. Total calcium levels were measured by biochemical analyzer.
Results: The result of PET/CT indicated the patient with B-ALL with severe osteolytic bone lesions. The serum total calcium level was as high as 4.09 mmol/L, and the cytokines interleukin-6 and 17A were significantly elevated. The patient was resistant to chemotherapy and had a poor prognosis.
Conclusions: Hypercalcemia and osteolytic bone lesions are rare complications of adult B-ALL, and their co-occurrence may be an indicator of poor prognosis in patients with B-ALL.