Pursuing prey through clutter is a complex and risky activity requiring integration of guidance subsystems for obstacle avoidance and target pursuit. The unobstructed pursuit trajectories of Harris' hawks Parabuteo unicinctus are well modeled by a mixed guidance law feeding back target deviation angle and line-of-sight rate. Here we ask how their pursuit behavior is modified in response to obstacles, using high-speed motion capture to reconstruct flight trajectories recorded during obstructed pursuit of maneuvering targets. We find that Harris' hawks use the same mixed guidance law during obstructed pursuit but appear to superpose a discrete bias command that resets their flight direction to aim at a clearance of approximately one wing length from an upcoming obstacle as they reach some threshold distance from it. Combining a feedback command in response to target motion with a feedforward command in response to upcoming obstacles provides an effective means of prioritizing obstacle avoidance while remaining locked-on to a target. We therefore anticipate that a similar mechanism may be used in terrestrial and aquatic pursuit. The same biased guidance law could also be used for obstacle avoidance in drones designed to intercept other drones in clutter, or to navigate between fixed waypoints in urban environments.
Keywords: Harris’ hawk; Parabuteo unicinctus; bird flight; collision avoidance; guidance law; motion capture; obstacle avoidance; proportional navigation; pursuit, interception.
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