An elliptical inhomogeneity under nonuniform heat flux

Math Mech Solids. 2023 Aug;28(8):1790-1797. doi: 10.1177/10812865221137084. Epub 2022 Dec 7.


We use complex variable techniques to study the decoupled two-dimensional steady-state heat conduction and thermoelastic problems associated with an elliptical elastic inhomogeneity perfectly bonded to an infinite matrix subjected to a nonuniform heat flux at infinity. Specifically, the nonuniform remote heat flux takes the form of a linear distribution. It is found that the internal temperature and thermal stresses inside the elliptical inhomogeneity are quadratic functions of the two in-plane coordinates. Explicit closed-form expressions of the analytic functions characterizing the temperature and thermoelastic field in the matrix are derived.

Keywords: Elliptical inhomogeneity; complex variable method; nonuniform heat flux.