Skeletal muscle regeneration relies on muscle stem (satellite) cells. We previously demonstrated that satellite cells efficiently and accurately repair radiation-induced DNA double-strand breaks (DSBs) via the DNA-dependent kinase DNA-PKcs. We show here that DNA-PKcs affects myogenesis independently of its role in DSB repair. Consequently, this process does not require the accumulation of DSBs and it is also independent of caspase-induced DNA damage. We report that in myogenic cells DNA-PKcs is essential for the expression of the differentiation factor Myogenin in an Akt2-dependent manner. DNA-PKcs interacts with the p300-containing complex that activates Myogenin transcription. We show also that SCID mice that are deficient in DNA-PKcs, and are used for transplantation and muscle regeneration studies, display altered myofiber composition and delayed myogenesis upon injury. These defects are exacerbated after repeated injury/regeneration events resulting in reduced muscle size. We thus identify a novel, caspase-independent, regulation of myogenic differentiation, and define a differentiation phase that does not involve the DNA damage/repair process.
© 2023. The Author(s), under exclusive licence to ADMC Associazione Differenziamento e Morte Cellulare.