Background: Cooperation is a core feature of integrated healthcare systems and an important link in their value-creating mechanism. The premise is that providers who cooperate can promote more efficient use of health services while improving health outcomes. We studied the performance of an integrated healthcare system in improving regional cooperation.
Methods: Using claims data and social network analysis, we constructed the professional network from 2004 to 2017. Cooperation was studied by analyzing the evolution of network properties at network and physician practice (node) level. The impact of the integrated system was studied with a dynamic panel model that compared practices that participated in the integrated system versus nonparticipants.
Results: The regional network evolved favourably towards cooperation. Network density increased 1.4% on average per year, while mean distance decreased 0.78%. At the same time, practices participating in the integrated system became more cooperative compared to other practices in the region: Degree (1.64e-03, p = 0.07), eigenvector (3.27e-03, p = 0.06) and betweenness (4.56e-03, p < 0.001) centrality increased more for participating practices.
Discussion: Findings can be explained by the holistic approach to patients' care needs and coordination efforts of integrated healthcare. The paper provides a valuable design for performance assessment of professional cooperation.
Highlights: Using claims data and social network analysis, we identify a regional cooperation network and conduct a panel analysis to measure the impact of an integrated care initiative on enhancing professional cooperation.Physician practices participating in the integrated system became more cooperative and improved their influence in the regional network more than non-participating practices.Integrated healthcare systems effectively incentivize cooperation through a holistic approach to patient care needs and coordination efforts.
Keywords: Social Network Analysis; dynamic panel analysis; integrated healthcare systems; physician cooperation.
Copyright: © 2023 The Author(s).