Subacute Appendicular Abscess Masquerading as Neoplasia Causing Large Bowel Obstruction

ACG Case Rep J. 2023 Jun 28;10(6):e01085. doi: 10.14309/crj.0000000000001085. eCollection 2023 Jun.


Acute appendicitis is the most common reason for emergency abdominal surgery worldwide. Nonacute appendicitis variants include recurrent, subacute, and chronic appendicitis. Although these are not considered surgical emergencies, they are frequently overlooked, resulting in complications such as perforation or abscess formation. The presentation of nonacute forms is rare in the modern era because of sophisticated diagnostic modalities and treatment measures. We discuss a rare case of subacute appendicular abscess simulating a neoplasm with large bowel obstruction.

Keywords: appendicitis; appendicular abscess; chronic; large bowel obstruction; subacute.

Publication types

  • Case Reports