A right aortic arch is present in 0.1% of the population and can occur in isolation or be associated with congenital heart disease.1 Moreover, the most common form of right aortic arch in adults is associated with an aberrant left subclavian artery.1 An aberrant left common carotid artery that originated from the ascending aorta with the right aorta is very rare. In this situation, carotid direct access was considered to avoid access challenge due to a large curve from the ascending aorta to the left common carotid artery.2 3 Here we demonstrate carotid artery direct access for intracranial stenting of a stroke patient with aberrant left common carotid artery and right aorta. Manual compression with a long time under general anesthesia to avoid post-procedural puncture site hematoma is recommended (video 1). neurintsurg;16/9/955/V1F1V1Video 1 Carotid artery direct access.
Keywords: Cervical; Stenosis; Stent; Stroke; Technique.
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