2D ferromagnet is a good platform to investigate topological effects and spintronic devices owing to its rich spin structures and excellent external-field tunability. The appearance of the topological Hall Effect (THE) is often regarded as an important sign of the generation of chiral spin textures, like magnetic vortexes or skyrmions. Here, interface engineering and an in-plane current are used to modulate the magnetic properties of the nearly room-temperature 2D ferromagnet Fe5 GeTe2 . An artificial topology phenomenon is observed in the Fe5 GeTe2 /MnPS3 heterostructure by using both anomalous Hall Effect and reflective magnetic circular dichroism (RMCD) measurements. Through tuning the applied current and the RMCD laser wavelength, the amplitude of the humps and dips observed in the hysteresis loops can be modulated accordingly. Magnetic field-dependent hysteresis loops demonstrate that the observed artificial topological phenomena are induced by the generation and annihilation of the magnetic domains. This work provides an optical method for investigating the topological-like effects in magnetic structures and proposes an effective way to modulate the magnetic properties of magnetic materials, which is important for developing magnetic and spintronic devices in van der Waals magnetic materials.
Keywords: 2D magnetic heterostructure; artificial topological phenomena; current; magnetic domains; reflective magnetic circular dichroism; van der Waals materials.
© 2023 The Authors. Advanced Science published by Wiley-VCH GmbH.