Value Assessment of Oncology Pharmacist Interventions

J Adv Pract Oncol. 2023 May;14(4):329-331. doi: 10.6004/jadpro.2023.14.4.7. Epub 2023 May 1.


A review of the published literature confirms the challenge in quantifying the value of oncology pharmacists. This editorial expands on a 2020 study by Meleis and colleagues published in the Journal of the Advanced Practitioner in Oncology and seeks to correlate pharmacist interventions to cost-saving and cost-avoidance measures to show the value of ambulatory oncology clinical pharmacists in patient care. A total of 4,686 interventions were reviewed. The 6-month intervention data demonstrate an annualized value of approximately $1.1 million dollars from nine ambulatory oncology clinical pharmacists showcasing the essential role of the clinical pharmacist in ambulatory oncology settings.