Synchronous firing of neurons, often referred to as "network activity" or "network bursting," is an indication of a mature and synaptically connected network of neurons. We previously reported this phenomenon in 2D human neuronal in vitro models (McSweeney et al. iScience 25:105187, 2022). Using induced neurons (iNs) differentiated from human pluripotent stem cells (hPSCs) coupled with high-density microelectrodes arrays (HD-MEAs), we probed the underlying patterns of neuronal activity and found irregularities in network signaling across mutant states (McSweeney et al. iScience 25:105187, 2022). Here, we describe methods for plating cortical excitatory iNs differentiated from hPSCs on top of HD-MEAs and culturing iNs to maturity, examples of representative human wild-type Ngn2-iN data, and troubleshooting tips and tricks for the experimenter interested in integrating HD-MEAs into one's research approach.
Keywords: Activity assay; Complementary metaloxide-semiconductor (CMOS) chip technology; High-density microelectrode arrays; Neuronal network assay; Ngn2-iNs.
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