Purpose: Babble Boot Camp (BBC) is a parent-implemented telepractice intervention for infants at risk for speech and language disorders. BBC uses a teach-model-coach-review approach, delivered through weekly 15-min virtual meetings with a speech-language pathologist. We discuss accommodations needed for successful virtual follow-up test administration and preliminary assessment outcomes for children with classic galactosemia (CG) and controls at age 2.5 years.
Method: This clinical trial included 54 participants, 16 children with CG receiving BBC speech-language intervention from infancy, age 2 years, five children receiving sensorimotor intervention from infancy and changing to speech-language intervention at 15 months until 2 years of age, seven controls with CG, and 26 typically developing controls. The participants' language and articulation were assessed via telehealth at age 2.5 years.
Results: The Preschool Language Scale-Fifth Edition (PLS-5) was successfully administered with specific parent instruction and manipulatives assembled from the child's home. The GFTA-3 was successfully administered to all but three children who did not complete this assessment due to limited expressive vocabularies. Referrals for continued speech therapy based on PLS-5 and GFTA-3 scores were made for 16% of children who received BBC intervention from infancy as compared to 40% and 57% of children who began BBC at 15 months of age or did not receive BBC intervention, respectively.
Conclusions: With extended time and accommodations from the standardized administration guidelines, virtual assessment of speech and language was possible. However, given the inherent challenges of testing very young children virtually, in-person assessment is recommended, when possible, for outcome measurements.