Objective: Term prelabour rupture of membrane (PROM) occurs in 8% of term deliveries, but it is unclear when to initiate induction. Our objective was to assess the optimal timing of oxytocin induction in the management of term PROM in terms of maternal and neonatal outcomes.
Methods: A retrospective cohort study was performed at a single tertiary care center from 2010 to 2020. All singleton pregnancies with PROM beyond 37 weeks gestation, without regular uterine contractions, were included. Eligible women were divided into three groups according to the timing of oxytocin induction (≤12; 12-24; ≥24 h) following PROM.
Results: Of 9,443 women presented with the term PROM, 1676 were included. They were classified according to the timing of oxytocin induction initiation following PROM: 1,127 within 12 h; 285 within 12-24 h; 264 after 24 h. There were no significant differences in baseline demographic characteristics between groups. Women who presented at our emergency department were induced earlier delivered significantly sooner than those who received oxytocin later (45 vs. 28.2 vs. 23.2 h, respectively, p < .001. Maternal infection rate was similar and unrelated to oxytocin starting time. Induction at <12 h from PROM was associated with reduced rate of antibiotic administration compared with other timings (26.8% vs. 38.6% vs. 33.33%, respectively; p < .001), and the same was found for neonatal composite adverse outcomes (RR = 1.27, p = .0307).
Conclusion: In term PROM, early induction (within 12 h of PROM) may be recommended to reduce the time-do-delivery interval and increase the delivery rate within 24 h. It may be of economic significance and improve women satisfaction. Furthermore, early induction may also improve neonatal outcomes, without worsening maternal outcomes.
Keywords: PROM; chorioamnionitis; induction; term; time-to-delivery.