Correlative fluorescent and electron microscopic images of the same section of epoxy (or other polymer)-embedded samples, hereafter referred to as 'in-resin CLEM', have been developed to improve the positional accuracy and Z-axis resolution limitations of conventional correlative light and electron microscopy (CLEM). High-pressure freezing and quick-freezing substitution result in in-resin CLEM of acrylic-based resin-embedded cells expressing green fluorescent protein, yellow fluorescent protein, mVenus and mCherry, which are sensitive to osmium tetroxide. The identification of osmium-resistant fluorescent proteins leads to the development of in-resin CLEM of Epon-embedded cells. Using subtraction-based fluorescence microscopy with a photoconvertible fluorescent protein, mEosEM-E, its green fluorescence can be observed in thin sections of Epon-embedded cells, and two-color in-resin CLEM using mEosEM-E and mScarlet-H can be performed. Green fluorescent proteins, CoGFP variant 0 and mWasabi, and far-red fluorescent proteins, mCherry2 and mKate2, are available for in-resin CLEM of Epon-embedded cells using the standard procedure for Epon-embedding with additional incubation. Proximity labeling is applied to in-resin CLEM to overcome the limitations of fluorescent proteins in epoxy resin. These approaches will contribute significantly to the future of CLEM analysis.
Keywords: correlative light and electron microscopy; epoxy resin; fluorescent dye; osmium tetroxide.
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