Historically, the diagnosis of viral infections has been accomplished using a combination of laboratory-based methods, including culture, serology, antigen-based tests, and molecular (e.g., real-time PCR) assays. Although these methods provide an accurate way to detect viral pathogens, testing in a centralized laboratory may delay results, which could impact patient diagnosis and management. Point-of-care tests, including antigen- and molecular-based assays, have been developed to assist with the timely diagnosis of several viral infections, such as influenza, respiratory syncytial virus, and COVID-19. Despite the ability of point-of-care tests to provide rapid results (i.e., <30 min), there are issues to consider prior to their routine use, including test performance and specific regulatory requirements. This review will provide a summary of the regulatory landscape of point-of-care tests for viral infections in the United States, and address important considerations such as site certification, training and inspection readiness.
Keywords: Antigen tests; Molecular tests; Point-of-care testing; Regulations; Virology.
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