Ultrathin Metal Film on Graphene for Percolation-Threshold-Limited Thermal Emissivity Control

Adv Mater. 2023 Sep;35(38):e2301227. doi: 10.1002/adma.202301227. Epub 2023 Jul 21.


Translucent Au/graphene hybrid films are shown to be effective in reducing thermal emission from the underlying surfaces when the deposition thickness of Au is close to the percolation threshold. The critical Au deposition thickness for an abrupt change in emissivity is reduced from 15 nm (Si substrate) to a percolation-threshold-limited thickness of 8.5 nm (graphene/Si substrate) because of the chemical inertness of graphene leading to the deposited Au atoms forming a thin, crystalline layer. The effect of the graphene layer on the optical properties of the hybrid film is highlighted by a drastic increase in infrared absorptivity, whereas the visible absorptivity is marginally affected by the presence of a graphene layer. The level of thermal emission from the Au/graphene hybrid films with the percolation-threshold-limited Au thickness is stable even with high background temperatures of up to 300 °C and mechanical strains of ≈4%. As an example of a thermal management application, an anti-counterfeiting device is demonstrated; thermal-camouflage-masked text fabricated with an Au/graphene hybrid film is discernible only using a thermographic camera. Ultrathin metal film assisted by a graphene layer will provide a facile platform for thermal management with semi-transparency, flexibility, and transferability to arbitrary surfaces.

Keywords: graphene; hybrid films; thermal camouflage; thermal management; ultrathin metal films.