Clinical case: A 49-year-old man (MM72) affected by Secondary Progressive Multiple Sclerosis (SP-MS) since 1998. On last 3 years, neurologists valued 9.0 the patient MM72's EDSS.
Methods: MM72 was treated by acoustic waves, modulated in frequency and power by the MAM device, according to an ambulatory intensive protocol. Patient's treatments schedule was organized in thirty cycles of DrenoMAM and AcuMAM, and manual cervical spinal adjustments. Before and after treatments, MSIS-29, Barthel, FIM, EDSS, ESS, and FSS questionnaires were administered to the patient.
Results: MM72 patient had improvements in all index score (MSIS-29, Barthel, FIM, EDSS, ESS and FSS) after 30 treatments by MAM plus cervical spine chiropractic adjustments. He showed a significative improvement of his disability and the restore of many functions. After MAM treatments, MM72's cognitive sphere improved of 370%. Fur-thermore, after 5 years of paraplegy, he regained his lower limbs and feet fingers movements with an increase of 230%.
Conclusion: We suggest ambulatory intensive treatments by fluid dynamic MAM protocol in SP-MS patients. Statistical analyses are in progress on a larger sample of SP-MS patients.
Keywords: Fluid dynamic MAM treatment; Multiple sclerosis; Sound vibrations.