The assistance needs of parents with physical disabilities have been widely underexamined. This qualitative observational study described the assistance needs of parents with physical disabilities during the performance of in-home babycare activities. Thirty-one parents were assessed by trained occupational therapists using the Activities of Daily Living (ADL) Profile adapted for use with parents, an ecological performance-based assessment that considers executive functioning. Descriptive statistics of participants' demographics and parents' independence scores in babycare activities were calculated, and a qualitative content analysis of parents' assistance needs was performed using video recordings. At least one-fourth of parents experienced difficulties in all babycare activities, either affecting activity performance or requiring verbal or physical assistance. Assistance needs were also observed in all activity-related operations of the ADL Profile. It is necessary to develop specialized clinical services to address assistance needs and promote safe and easy parenting in parents with physical disabilities.
Keywords: Activities of Daily Living; assessment; cognition; occupational therapy; parenting.