Purpose: Hospitals are implementing a variety of fall prevention programs to reduce the fall rates of hospitalized patients. But if patients don't perceive themselves to be at risk for falling and don't adhere to fall prevention strategies, such programs are likely to be less effective. The purpose of this study was to describe the perceptions of fall risk among hospitalized patients across four acute care specialty services.
Methods: One hundred patients who had been admitted to the study hospital and who had a Morse Fall Scale score over 45 were asked to complete the Patient Perception Questionnaire, a tool designed to explore a patient's confidence regarding their fall risk, fear of falling, and intention to engage in fall prevention activities. Morse Fall Scale scores were collected via retrospective chart review. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics, Pearson correlation coefficients, and independent sample t tests.
Results: Participants' mean age was 65 years; 52% were male, 48% female. Although all 100 participants were deemed at risk for falls per their Morse Fall Scale scores, only 55% considered themselves to be at such risk. As patients' confidence in their ability to perform mobility tasks increased, their intention to ask for help and fear of falling significantly decreased. Patients who had been admitted as the result of a fall demonstrated significantly lower confidence scores and higher fear scores.
Conclusions: Patients who score high on fall risk assessments often don't perceive themselves to be at high risk for falling, and thus might not engage in fall prevention activities. Developing a fall risk assessment method that incorporates both a patient's physiological condition and their perception of their fall risk could help reduce fall rates in the acute care setting.
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