The number of studies related to health economics evaluation is increasing. Consolidated Health Economic Evaluation Reporting Standards 2022 (CHEERS 2022) contains 28 items. Based on CHEERS 2013, CHEERS 2022 adds a health economic analysis plan, model sharing, and community, patient, public, and other relevant stakeholders' participation in the statement, taking into account the future development direction of health economics evaluation. It provides a useful review tool for peer reviewers, editors, and readers and supports health technology assessment agencies in establishing standard reporting standards for health economics evaluations. In this study, we briefly introduced and interpreted the CHEERS 2022 statement and analyzed an example of health economics evaluation in infectious disease epidemiology to provide a reference for researchers to report studies regarding health economics evaluation standardly.
卫生经济学评价相关研究数量与日俱增。卫生经济学评价报告标准2022(CHEERS 2022)共包含28个条目清单,在CHEERS 2013声明的基础上,CHEERS 2022新增了包括卫生经济学分析计划、模型共享,以及社区、患者和公众等利益相关方的研究参与等内容,兼顾了卫生经济学评价的未来学科发展方向。CHEERS 2022不仅有助于全球研究者采用统一的标准规范报告卫生经济学评价研究结果,为同行评议专家、编辑及读者提供有用的审查工具,还可支持卫生技术评估机构建立规范的评价报告标准。本文旨在简要介绍CHEERS 2022,解读部分条目,结合传染病流行病学领域的卫生经济学评价实例进行分析,以期为研究者规范报告卫生经济学评价研究提供参考。.