Heating nanoparticles with a magnetic field could facilitate selective remote control of neural activity in deep tissue. However, current magnetothermal stimulation approaches are limited to single-channel stimulation. Here, we investigated various designs for multichannel magnetothermal stimulation based on an array of resonant coils that are driven by a single loop coil. Using a tuning capacitor that allows resonant coils to resonate at the operating frequency, each coil's ON and OFF resonance can be controlled, enabling us to select stimulation channels. We found that smaller inner diameters of resonant coils produce more localized magnetic fields while larger coils produce magnetic fields over a longer distance. The constructed multichannel resonant coil arrays can provide a high enough magnetic field intensity to raise the temperature of nanoparticles by 8 °C when we apply 35.2 W into the loop coil that is spaced 1 mm from the target neurons. This multichannel stimulation using a simple resonant circuit approach would be useful for clinical applications of magnetothermal neural stimulation.
Keywords: Magnetic nanoparticles; Magnetic resonant coil; Magnetothermal neural stimulation; Non-invasive neural stimulation.
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