A photon absorptiometer designed to measure the bone mineral content (BMC) of the radius and ulna in premature or term babies was used to examine 34 forearm specimens obtained from 25 male and 9 female babies dying before or up to 13 weeks after birth. Gestational age, foot and crown-heel lengths and birth weight were recorded. Radiographic measurements showed that the midshaft of the radius can be located with a positioning error of +/- 1.28 mm (+/- 2 S.E.E.) from the distance between the distal ulnar styloid process and proximal tip of the olecranon, both of which can be palpated in vivo. Scanning at 5 sites showed that effects of positioning errors on BMC measurements are least at the midshaft site. Subsequent measurements of the ash weight of sections of the radius and ulna, centred on the midshaft of the radius, showed that ash weight/unit length can be estimated with a standard error 2.99 mg/cm from scan data.