Terahertz technology has demonstrated enormous potential for the analysis of biological systems and the diagnosis of some medical conditions, given its high sensitivity to detect water content. In previously published papers, effective medium theories are used to extract the water content from the terahertz measurements. When the dielectric functions of water and dehydrated bio-material are well known, the volumetric fraction of water can be left as the only free parameter in those effective medium theory models. While water complex permittivity is very well known, the dielectric functions of dehydrated tissues are normally measured for each individual application. In previous studies, it has been traditionally assumed that, unlike water, the dielectric function of the dehydrated tissues is temperature independent, measuring it only at room temperature. Yet, this is an aspect that has not been discussed and that is relevant in order to get THz technology closer to clinical and in-the-field applications. In this work, we present the characterization of the complex permittivity of dehydrated tissues; each studied at temperatures ranging from 20°C to 36.5°C. We studied samples of different organism classifications to have a wider confirmation of the results. We find that, in each case, the dielectric function changes of dehydrated tissues caused by temperature are smaller than for water across the same temperature interval. Yet, the changes in the dielectric function of the dehydrated tissue are not negligible and should, in many cases, be taken into account for the processing of terahertz signals that interact with biological tissues. While this study gives a first introduction into the probable relevancy of temperature-dependent optical behavior of biological samples, this work only focuses on the experimental proof for this relationship and will, therefore, not give a deeper analysis of how the underlying models have to be modified.
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