Gene definitions and identifiers can be painful to manage-more so when trying to include gene function annotations as this can be highly context-dependent. Creating groups of genes or gene sets can help provide such context, but it compounds the issue as each gene within the gene set can map to multiple identifiers and have annotations derived from multiple sources. We developed to provide an API for integrated annotations for gene sets suitable for use in analytical pipelines or web servers. Leveraging our previous work with (a server that provides gene-centric annotations and identifiers), addresses the challenge of managing gene sets from multiple resources. With our API, users readily have read-only access to gene sets imported from commonly-used resources such as Wikipathways, CTD, Reactome, SMPDB, MSigDB, GO, and DO. In addition to supporting the access and reuse of approximately 180k gene sets from humans, common model organisms (mice, yeast, etc.), and less-common ones (e.g. black cottonwood tree), supports user-created gene sets, providing an important means for making gene sets more FAIR. User-created gene sets can serve as a way to store and manage collections for analysis or easy dissemination through a consistent API.
© The Author(s) 2023. Published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Nucleic Acids Research.