Linker histone variants regulate higher-order chromatin structure and various cellular processes. It has been suggested that linker histone variant H1a loosens chromatin structure and activates transcription. However, its role in early mouse development remains to be elucidated. We investigated the functions of H1a during preimplantation development using H1a gene-deleted mice. Although H1a homozygous knockout (KO) mice were born without any abnormalities, the number of offspring were reduced when the mothers but not fathers were homozygous KO animals. Maternal H1a KO compromised development during the morula and blastocyst stages, but not differentiation of the inner cell mass or trophectoderm. Thus, maternal linker histone H1a is important in early development.
Keywords: Chromatin structure; Linker histone variant; Mouse embryo; Preimplantation development.