Background: Awareness in semi-urban school population about harmful effects of tobacco use. Hence, the objectives of the present research protocol are to evaluate the incidence of tobacco usage amongst school children and educators, to evaluate the knowledge of students and teachers regarding the harmful effects of tobacco, to educate students and teachers regarding the deleterious effects of tobacco and to evaluate the success of the intervention.
Material and methods: This study will be conducted at a semi-urban school located in the Wardha district. A cluster of students and teachers will be selected and will be given a pre-test to assess their knowledge regarding tobacco. The questionnaire will also help in evaluating the total number of participants consuming tobacco. Teachers will be given intervention when the data from the pre-test has been analysed. They will be educated regarding tobacco and its effects on oral health with the use of PowerPoint presentations, posters and models. Activities such as skits, role plays and discussions will be performed. Teachers will be asked to educate the students regarding the same. After the students are educated, they will be given a post-test to evaluate their understanding after the teachers have educated them. Tobacco users will be motivated to complete the cessation of tobacco. A questionnaire comprises 20 questions that are taken from National Tobacco Control Programme (NTPC) guidelines.
Expected results: The proposed study represents a major step towards tobacco cessation amongst semi-urban school population. Overall, the study includes evaluating the knowledge of participants, educating them regarding the harmful effects of tobacco and motivating the participants who are tobacco chewers to complete stoppage of habit. The study will develop a valid and reliable change and would contribute in the development of good oral health. This research will provide in the Indian context, evidence that will underpin better selection in semi-urban schools of the Wardha district.
Conclusion: The proposed study represents a major step towards tobacco cessation amongst semi-urban school population. The study will develop a valid and reliable change and would contribute in the development of good oral health.
Keywords: Harmful effects; NTPC guidelines; oral health; semi-urban school; tobacco.
Copyright: © 2023 Journal of Family Medicine and Primary Care.