Cardiorespiratory Events Associated With Ophthalmic Surgery: A Single-Center, Retrospective Records Review of 130 775 Patients, 1999-2015

J Vitreoretin Dis. 2020 Jan 17;4(4):280-285. doi: 10.1177/2474126419896432. eCollection 2020 Jul-Aug.


Purpose: The most recent study of ophthalmic surgery morbidity and mortality was published in 1995, with a patient study population from 1977 to 1988. The present study reports surgical outcomes from a single-center, retrospective analysis of patient records from 1999 to 2015.

Methods: Three International Classification of Diseases-9-CM codes for cardiorespiratory events were searched in the discharge diagnoses in an eye hospital over a 16-year period. The overall mortality and preoperative risk factors were analyzed, including the type of anesthetic, type of surgery, medical comorbidities, and bradycardia preceding the cardiac events.

Results: Between February 1, 1999 and October 1, 2015, a total of 130 775 patients presented for ophthalmic surgery. Fifty-nine patients (0.45 per 1000) experienced a cardiorespiratory event. Of the 59 patients, 14 patients had a cardiorespiratory arrest, 9 of whom died during the perioperative period. Of the remaining 45 patients, 29 had significant adverse events needing some form of advanced monitoring, evaluation, and/or intervention. There was a significantly greater prevalence of diabetes among patients who had a cardiorespiratory event (P < .001).

Conclusions: The major risk factor associated with ophthalmic surgery morbidity and mortality was diabetes with its associated complications of autonomic neuropathy, nephropathy, and retinopathy. Of the 9 patients who died, 8 were diabetic with proliferative diabetic retinopathy and renal insufficiency/failure. The ninth mortality was secondary to a venous air embolism during ocular air infusion. The adage that "the eye is the window to our overall health" seems to be correct.

Keywords: autonomic neuropathy; morbidity and mortality; ophthalmic surgery; perioperative complications.