Purpose: Providing effective support to parents of children with autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is an important part of clinical work. This study used outsider witnesses in group counselling for parents of children with ASD and explored the mechanism through which the therapeutic effects occurred.
Method: Parents of children diagnosed with ASD participated in an eight-session group activity. Two outsider witnesses were introduced into some of the sessions. The participants were interviewed to collect their experiences of and reflections on the outsider-witness practice. Texts were analysed using the categorical content approach.
Results: The intervention was effective because the participants shifted their subjective experiences to an objective position, leading them to reflect on their previous limited perspectives, thus resulting in self-redefinition. These therapeutic effects may arise due to physical displacement, experience resonance, and externalization of subjective experiences. The results of this study have important implications for parents and practitioners.
Keywords: ASD; Outsider witness; autism spectrum disorder; group counselling; narrative therapy.