Virus-induced gene silencing (VIGS) is an RNA-mediated reverse genetics technology that has evolved into an indispensable approach for analyzing the function of genes. It downregulates endogenous genes by utilizing the posttranscriptional gene silencing (PTGS) machinery of plants to prevent systemic viral infections. Based on recent advances, VIGS can now be used as a high-throughput tool that induces heritable epigenetic modifications in plants through the viral genome by transiently knocking down targeted gene expression. As a result of the progression of DNA methylation induced by VIGS, new stable genotypes with desired traits are being developed in plants. In plants, RNA-directed DNA methylation (RdDM) is a mechanism where epigenetic modifiers are guided to target loci by small RNAs, which play a major role in the silencing of the target gene. In this review, we described the molecular mechanisms of DNA and RNA-based viral vectors and the knowledge obtained through altering the genes in the studied plants that are not usually accessible to transgenic techniques. We showed how VIGS-induced gene silencing can be used to characterize transgenerational gene function(s) and altered epigenetic marks, which can improve future plant breeding programs.
Keywords: DNA viruses; VIGS heritable epigenetics; VIGS vectors; biotic and abiotic stresses; plant RNA; reverse genetics.