Background: In response to the aging population, the Department for Professional Development in the Nursing Division at the Israeli Ministry of Health has invested significant resources in training registered nurses for post-basic certification in the field of geriatrics. However, little is known about how the nurses implement the scope of practice in the field and how they maximize their full potential following the training.
Aims and objectives: To assess whether nurses' full potential is maximized in geriatric acute and long-term geriatric care, and community settings in Israel.
Design: A quantitative, cross-sectional study.
Methods: The study population is a convenience sample of registered nurses who completed post-basic certification in geriatric care (n = 287). The participants completed a self-administered questionnaire addressing socio-demographic and occupational characteristics, implementation of the scope of practice, and a professional satisfaction questionnaire. Baseline demographic variables were summarized using means and counts, with frequency counts and percentages used for the scope of practice. A one-way ANOVA was utilized to examine the differences between the workplace and the scope of practice. Chi-square was used to examine practice types and the workplace.
Results: Nurses in all surveyed geriatric settings reported average to high overall performance in independent decision-making activities and delegated duties. The majority (66%) reported very high satisfaction with the completion of the post basic certification education However overall performance differed significantly between the different geriatric settings.
Conclusion: Most of the nurses with a post-basic geriatric certification are satisfied with their scope of practice, feel valued by colleagues and managers, and are able to practice independently within their professional scope. This can have a positive impact on the care of the older adult population.
Clinical relevance: Administrators should ensure that nurses with a post-basic geriatric certification are able to maximize their scope of practice. Specifically, we recommend nurse managers to leverage the results of this study and advocate for nurses to fulfill their full potential in their scope of practice.
Keywords: nurses' full potential; post-basic certification in geriatric nursing; scope of practice.
© 2023 The Authors. Journal of Nursing Scholarship published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of Sigma Theta Tau International.