Atomic force microscopy (AFM) and high-speed scanning have significantly advanced real time observation of biomolecular dynamics, with applications ranging from single molecules to the cellular level. To facilitate the interpretation of resolution-limited imaging, post-experimental computational analysis plays an increasingly important role to understand AFM measurements. Data-driven simulation of AFM, computationally emulating experimental scanning, and automatized fitting has recently elevated the understanding of measured AFM topographies by inferring the underlying full 3D atomistic structures. Providing an interactive user-friendly interface for simulation AFM, the BioAFMviewer software has become an established tool within the Bio-AFM community, with a plethora of applications demonstrating how the obtained full atomistic information advances molecular understanding beyond topographic imaging. This graphical review illustrates the BioAFMviewer capacities and further emphasizes the importance of simulation AFM to complement experimental observations.
© 2023 Published by Elsevier Inc.