Background: Paramedics who perform patient triaging in case of a mass casualty incident generally receive triage training during their undergraduate educational program. Triage training can be facilitated using various simulation modalities together with theoretical training.
Objectives: The aim of this study is to determine the effectiveness of online scenario-based Visually Enhanced Mental Simulation (VEMS) on developing the casualty triage and management skills of paramedic students.
Design: The study was conducted using a single-group pre-test/post-test quasi-experimental design.
Settings and participants: The study was carried out in October 2020 with 20 volunteer students studying in the First and Emergency Aid program of a university in Turkey.
Methods: After the online theoretical crime scene management and triage course, students completed a demographic questionnaire and a pre-VEMS assessment. They then took part in the online VEMS training and eventually completed the post-VEMS assessment. At the end of the session, they filed an online survey concerning VEMS.
Results: There is a statistically significant increase in the scores obtained by the students between the pre- and post-educational intervention assessment (p < 0.05). The majority of the students gave positive feedback concerning VEMS as an educational approach.
Conclusion: The results show that online VEMS is effective in helping paramedic students acquire casualty triage and management skills and that students thought it was an effective educational approach.
Keywords: Online education; Paramedic; Pre-hospital emergency care; Simulation; Triage; Visually Enhanced Mental Simulation.
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