Flat-panel dual-energy head computed tomography in the angiography suite after thrombectomy for acute stroke: A clinical feasibility study

Interv Neuroradiol. 2023 Feb 14:15910199231157462. doi: 10.1177/15910199231157462. Online ahead of print.


Background: Management of large vessel occlusion (LVO) patients after thrombectomy is affected by the presence of intracranial hemorrhage (ICH) on post-procedure imaging. Differentiating contrast staining from hemorrhage on post-procedural imaging has been facilitated by dual-energy computed tomography (DECT), traditionally performed in dedicated computed tomography (CT) scanners with subsequent delays in treatment. We employed a novel method of DECT using the Siemens cone beam CT (DE-CBCT) in the angiography suite to evaluate for post-procedure ICH and contrast extravasation.

Methods: After endovascular treatment for LVO was performed and before the patient was removed from the operating table, DE-CBCT was performed using the Siemens Q-biplane system, with two separate 20-second CBCT scans at two energy levels: 70 keV (standard) and 125 keV with tin filtration (nonstandard). Post-procedurally, patients also underwent a standard DECT using Siemens SOMATOM Force CT scanner. Two independent reviewers blindly evaluated the DE-CBCT and DECT for hemorrhage and contrast extravasation.

Results: We successfully performed intra-procedural DE-CBCT in 10 subjects with no technical failure. The images were high-quality and subjectively useful to differentiate contrast from hemorrhage. The one hemorrhage seen on standard DECT was very small and clinically silent. The interrater reliability was 100% for both contrast and hemorrhage detection.

Conclusion: We demonstrate that intra-procedural DE-CBCT after thrombectomy is feasible and provides clinically meaningful images. There was close agreement between findings on DE-CBCT and standard DECT. Our findings suggest that DE-CBCT could be used in the future to improve stroke thrombectomy patient workflow and to more efficiently guide the postoperative management of these patients.

Keywords: Dual-energy CT (DECT); dual-energy cone beam CT; hemorrhagic transformation; new technology; stroke; thrombectomy.