Effect of Gender on Acoustic Voice Quality Index 02.03 and Dysphonia Severity Index in Indian Normophonic Adults

Indian J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg. 2022 Dec;74(Suppl 3):5052-5059. doi: 10.1007/s12070-021-02712-8. Epub 2021 Jul 2.


Acoustic Voice Quality Index and Dysphonia Severity Index are the two most widely used multiparametric objective measures that can successfully quantify voice quality. Latoszek et al. (2019) reported that gender had no influence on both AVQI and DSI in Dutch population. However, there is a lack of research focussed on investigating the gender effect on both DSI and AVQI and on investigating the relationship between DSI and AVQI in the Indian adult population. The present study is aimed to investigate the effect of gender on DSI and AVQI and to explore the relation between the two in the Indian adult population. 138 normophonic individuals (74 females and 64 males) were considered as participants. The phonation of /a/ and reading samples were considered as stimuli for extracting AVQI analysed using AVQI script version 02.03. The raw values of MPT, highest frequency, lowest intensity, and Jitter% were obtained from VRP module and MDVP module of Computerized Speech Lab to calculate the DSI. The results revealed that gender has significant effect on CPPs, HNR and TiltLTAS, ShimLocal, ShimdB, MPT, F0-High and Jitter%. While the overall AVQI, DSI, SlopeLTAS and I-Low were independent of gender effect. To conclude, the present study provides the reference data for AVQI v.2.03 and DSI for healthy Indian adults and discusses the influence of gender on AVQI, DSI and their constituent parameters.

Keywords: Acoustic voice quality index; Dysphonia severity index; Gender; Normophonic.