The Air Pollutants Exposure Model (APEX) is a stochastic population-based inhalation exposure model which (along with its earlier version called pNEM) has been used by the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) for over 30 years for assessment of human exposure to airborne pollutants. This study describes the application of a variance decomposition-based sensitivity analysis using the Sobol method to elucidate the key APEX inputs and processes that affect variability in exposure and dose for the simulated population. Understanding APEX's sensitivities to these inputs helps not only the model user but also the EPA in prioritizing limited resources towards data-collection and analysis efforts for the most influential variables, in order to maintain the quality and defensibility of the simulation results. This analysis examines exposure to ozone of children ages 5-18 years. The results show that selection of activity diaries and microenvironmental parameters (including air-exchange rate and decay rate) are the most influential to estimated exposure and dose, their aggregate main-effect indices (MEIs) equaling 0.818 (out of a maximum of 1.0) for daily-average ozone exposure and 0.469 for daily-average inhaled ozone dose. The modeled person's home location, sampled from national Census data, has a modest influence on exposure (MEI = 0.079 for daily averages), while age, sex, and body mass, also sampled from Census and other survey data, have modest influences on inhaled dose (aggregate MEI = 0.307). The sensitivity analysis also plays a quality-assurance role by evaluating the sensitivities against our knowledge of the physical properties of the model.
Keywords: Air pollutants exposure model; Exposure assessment; National ambient air quality standards; Sensitivity analysis; Sobol analysis.