Background: Mucogingival surgery for root coverage of gingival recessions (GRs) is usually performed in patients with unremarkable periodontal and systemic health. However, the predictable results of surgical procedures and increasingly high aesthetic expectations of patients necessitate optimal management of GR also in patients with systemic conditions that affect the oral cavity. In patients with pemphigus vulgaris (PV), mucosal fragility and complicated surgical management of inflamed soft tissues are major challenges.
Methods and results: A 36-year-old female patient with PV and deep GR on the mandibular incisors is presented. After initial unresponsiveness to steroids and immunosuppressants, complete clinical remission was achieved through repeated rituximab infusions and topical platelet-rich plasma. After > 1 year of stable clinical remission off therapy the patient successfully underwent surgical procedures for vertically coronally advanced flap with connective tissue graft.
Conclusions: To the best of our knowledge, no studies have described the surgical management of GR in PV patients. Although controlled studies are required to confirm present results, complete and stable clinical remission is necessary to avoid complications. Collaboration among dermatologists, oral medicine specialists, and periodontologists is essential to determine whether mucogingival surgery for root surface exposure is indicated for PV patients.
Key points: Why are these cases new information? This is the first report of root coverage in a patient with oral PV What are the keys to the successful management of these cases? The achievement of complete and stable clinical remission from oral PV Multidisciplinary collaboration among dermatologists, oral medicine specialists, and periodontologists What are the primary limitations to success in these cases? The refractoriness of gingival lesions induced by PV Poor mucogingival conditions of inflamed gingival tissues exacerbated by PV.
Keywords: autoimmune diseases; gingival recession; pemphigus; vertically coronally advanced flap.
© 2023 The Authors. Clinical Advances in Periodontics published by Wiley Periodicals LLC on behalf of American Academy of Periodontology.