Introduction: Drivers should be aware of possible impairing effects of alcohol, medicinal substance, or fatigue on driving performance. Such effects are assessed in clinical trials, including a driving task or related psychomotor tasks. However, a choice between predicting tasks must be made. Here, we compare driving performance with on-the-road driving, simulator driving, and psychomotor tasks using the effect of sleep deprivation.
Method: This two-way cross over study included 24 healthy men with a minimum driving experience of 3000km per year. Psychomotor tasks, simulated driving, and on-the-road driving were assessed in the morning and the afternoon after a well-rested night and in the morning after a sleep-deprived night. Driving behaviour was examined by calculating the Standard Deviation of Lateral Position (SDLP).
Results: SDLP increased after sleep deprivation for simulated (10cm, 95%CI:6.7-13.3) and on-the-road driving (2.8cm, 95%CI:1.9-3.7). The psychomotor test battery detected effects of sleep deprivation in almost all tasks. Correlation between on-the-road tests and simulator SDLP after a well-rested night (0.63, p < .001) was not present after a night of sleep deprivation (0.31, p = .18). Regarding the effect of sleep deprivation on the psychomotor test battery, only adaptive tracking correlated with the SDLP of the driving simulator (-0.50, p = .02). Other significant correlations were related to subjective VAS scores.
Discussion: The lack of apparent correlations and difference in sensitivity of performance of the psychomotor tasks, simulated driving and, on-the-road driving indicates that the tasks may not be interchangeable and may assess different aspects of driving behaviour.
Copyright: © 2023 Koopmans et al. This is an open access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License, which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original author and source are credited.