The endosomal sorting complex required for transport (ESCRT) is highly conserved in eukaryotic cells and plays an essential role in the biogenesis of multivesicular bodies and cargo degradation to the plant vacuole or lysosomes. Although ESCRT components affect a variety of plant growth and development processes, their impact on leaf development is rarely reported. Here, we found that OsSNF7.2, an ESCRT-III component, controls leaf rolling in rice (Oryza sativa). The Ossnf7.2 mutant rolled leaf 17 (rl17) has adaxially rolled leaves due to the decreased number and size of the bulliform cells. OsSNF7.2 is expressed ubiquitously in all tissues, and its protein is localized in the endosomal compartments. OsSNF7.2 homologs, including OsSNF7, OsSNF7.3, and OsSNF7.4, can physically interact with OsSNF7.2, but their single mutation did not result in leaf rolling. Other ESCRT complex subunits, namely OsVPS20, OsVPS24, and OsBRO1, also interact with OsSNF7.2. Further assays revealed that OsSNF7.2 interacts with OsYUC8 and aids its vacuolar degradation. Both Osyuc8 and rl17 Osyuc8 showed rolled leaves, indicating that OsYUC8 and OsSNF7.2 function in the same pathway, conferring leaf development. This study reveals a new biological function for the ESCRT-III components, and provides new insights into the molecular mechanisms underlying leaf rolling.
Keywords: OsSNF7.2; OsYUC8; bulliform cell; leaf rolling; rice (Oryza sativa); vacuolar degradation.
© 2023 Institute of Botany, Chinese Academy of Sciences.