The pathogen Candida albicans is pleiomorphic and grows in yeast and filamentous forms but the relationship between the regulation of different filamentous forms is unclear. BRG1 encodes a DNA binding protein which is an important regulator of morphology. Mutants lacking BRG1 grow as yeast under all conditions tested and over-expressing BRG1 drives hyphal growth even in the absence of inducing signals. A number of genetic mutants in repressors of filamentation form pseudohyphae under yeast conditions and some of these mutants can form hyphae under hypha-inducing conditions. This study examines the position of BRG1 in the regulatory networks that govern filamentation by examining the effect of over-expressing BRG1 in pseudohyphal mutants.
Keywords: BRG1; Candida albicans; NRG1; RFG1; TUP1 pseudohyphae.
© 2023. Institute of Microbiology, Academy of Sciences of the Czech Republic, v.v.i.