Objectives: The main aim of this study was to estimate the volume of the Scala Tympani (ST) of our pediatric cochlear implant (CI) recipients from the computed tomography (CT) images. Then, to study the association between ST volume and both demographic characteristics and cochlear parameters.
Methods: A retrospective study on the CT scans of pediatric CI patients at a tertiary referral CI center. Congenital or acquired cochlear defects were excluded. Two reviewers, with the same level of experience, blindly measured the main cochlear parameters and studied its anatomy. Then, the interrater reliability was tested to measure any differences between the two readings. After that, the ST volume of the included patients was calculated and analyzed. Furthermore, the correlations between the main cochlear parameters and ST volume were studied to propose a formula for estimating the ST volume from the cochlear duct length (CDL).
Results: The mean predicted ST volume among our pediatric CI recipients was 38.51 ± 5.54 μl (range; 24.47-52.57 μl). The statistical analysis revealed that all cochlear parameters (A, B, H, and CDL values) could be significant predictors of the ST volume (p=<0.0001).
Conclusion: The main cochlear parameters along with the CDL are positively linked to the ST volume. There are considerable differences in cochlear size and scala tympani volume among our pediatric population. These findings confirm the importance of pre-operative planning for proper electrode array selection.
Keywords: Cochlear duct length; Cochlear implant; Cochlear volume; Scala tympani; Temporal bone.
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