Background: The non-specific symptomatology in peritoneal tuberculosis often results in a delay in the diagnosis. Due to clinical overlap symptoms may be confused with metastatic ovarian carcinoma. This can lead to delayed treatment, unnecessary surgical interventions and a deteriorated prognosis.
Case description: A 75-year-old female of Moroccan descent was referred to the gastroenterology department with increasing ascites and weight loss. Based on the clinical picture metastatic ovarian cancer was suspected. However, repeatedly no malignant cells were found in both ascitic fluid and tissue biopsies. Peritoneal tuberculosis was considered and ovarian malignancy could not be excluded. A diagnostic laparoscopyand biopsy was considered necessary. The laparoscopic view was pathognomic for tuberculosis after which antituberculosis treatment was started with good result.
Conclusion: Peritoneal tuberculosis should be included in the differential diagnosis in women from endemic areas with symptoms of abdominal pain, ascites, weight loss and/or increased CA-125. Laparoscopy should be considered if less invasive tests are inconclusive about the diagnosis.